
Physics is a fascinating branch of science that seeks to understand the fundamental principles governing the behaviour of the universe. One important aspect of physics is the study of physical quantities and their dimensions. In this lesson, we will explore the concept of dimensions, delve into dimensional analysis, and discover its practical application

Dimensions of Physical Quantities

1.1 Definition:
Physical quantities are measurable properties or characteristics of objects or phenomena, such as length, time, mass, and Velocity

Dimensions represent the nature of these quantities and provide a framework for their measurement
1.2 Fundamental Dimensions :

There are seven fundamental dimensions in the International System of Units (SI): length (L), mass (M), time (T), electric current (I), temperature (Θ), amount of substance (N), and luminous intensity (J)

All other physical quantities can be derived from these fundamental dimensions

LengthMetermThe meter is the distance traveled by light in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458th of a second.
MassKilogramkgThe kilogram is defined as the mass of the International Prototype of the Kilogram, a platinum-iridium cylinder kept at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures.
TimeSecondsThe second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom.
  Electric CurrentAmpereAThe ampere is the constant current that, if maintained in two parallel conductors of infinite length and negligible cross-sectional area, placed 1 meter apart in a vacuum, would produce a force between the conductors of exactly    2 x 10-7 newton per meter of length.
TemperatureKelvinKThe kelvin is the fraction 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water.
Amount of SubstanceMolemolThe mole is the amount of a substance that contains as many elementary entities (such as atoms, molecules, ions, or particles) as there are atoms in exactly 0.012 kilograms of carbon-12.
Luminous IntensityCandelacdThe candela is the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 x 1012 hertz and that has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1/683 watt per steradian.

These fundamental units provide a standardized and universally accepted system of measurement for various physical quantities, allowing for consistency and accuracy in scientific calculations and communications.

Advantages of SI Units

The SI (International System of Units) unit system offers several advantages:

  1. Universality: The SI unit system is widely recognized and accepted globally. It provides a consistent and unified framework for measurements across different countries and scientific disciplines. This universality promotes international collaboration, communication, and understanding in various fields of study.
  2. Standardization: SI units have well-defined definitions and are based on fundamental constants of nature. This standardization ensures accuracy, reliability, and reproducibility in measurements. It allows for precise comparisons and consistent results in scientific experiments and observations.
  3. Coherence: SI units are designed to be coherent, meaning they are interrelated in a logical and consistent manner. The coherent system of units simplifies calculations and conversions between different quantities, as they are based on consistent mathematical relationships.
  4. Scalability: The SI unit system is scalable, meaning it provides prefixes that can be used to express measurements across a wide range of magnitudes. This scalability makes it convenient to work with both extremely large and small values without the need for excessive zeros or complex conversions.
  5. Compatibility with Scientific Laws: SI units are compatible with the laws of physics and other scientific principles. They align with the fundamental theories and principles that govern the behavior of the physical world, allowing for the formulation and testing of scientific theories, laws, and equations.
  6. Practicality: The SI unit system is designed to be practical and user-friendly. The units are intuitive and easily understandable, facilitating effective communication and comprehension of measurements and quantities among scientists, engineers, and the general public.
  7. International Recognition: The SI unit system is officially recognized by international organizations such as the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM), ensuring consistent usage and adoption in scientific research, education, industry, and trade worldwide.
    These qualities make it an indispensable tool for precise and accurate measurements in scientific and technological advancements.

1.3 Derived Dimensions

Derived dimensions are obtained by combining the fundamental dimensions using multiplication, division, or exponentiation
For example, velocity has dimensions of [L][T]⁻¹, where [L] represents length and [T]⁻¹ represents the inverse of time
Here is a table of 22 derived SI units along with the basic units involved in their derivation:

Derived SI UnitQuantityDefinitionBasic Units Involved
Newton (N)Force1 N = 1 kg * m/s2kilogram (kg), meter (m), second (s)
Pascal (Pa)Pressure1 Pa = 1 N/m2Newton (N), meter (m)
Joule (J)Energy1 J = 1 N * m = 1 kg * m2/s2Newton (N), meter (m), second (s)
Watt (W)Power1 W = 1 J/s = 1 kg * m2/s3Joule (J), second (s)
Coulomb (C)Electric charge1 C = 1 A * sAmpere (A), second (s)
Volt (V)Electric potential1 V = 1 W/A = 1 kg * m2/(A * s3)Watt (W), Ampere (A), second (s)
Ohm (Ω)Electrical resistance1 Ω = 1 V/A = 1 kg * m2/(A2 * s3)Volt (V), Ampere (A), second (s)
Farad (F)Capacitance1 F = 1 C/V = 1 A*s/V =            1 kg-1 * m-2 * s4 * A2Coulomb (C), Volt (V), Ampere (A), second (s), kilogram (kg), meter (m)
Tesla (T)Magnetic flux density1 T = 1 Wb/m^2 = 1 kg/(A * s2)Weber (Wb), meter (m), Ampere (A)
Henry (H)Inductance1 H = 1 V * s/A = 1 kg * m2/(A2 * s2)Volt (V), second (s), Ampere (A)
Hertz (Hz)Frequency1 Hz = 1/s1/second (1/s)
Siemens (S)Electrical conductance1 S = 1 A/V = 1 s3 * A2/(kg * m2)Ampere (A), Volt (V), second (s), kilogram (kg), meter (m)
Weber (Wb)Magnetic flux1 Wb = 1 V * s = 1 kg * m2/(A * s2)Volt (V), second (s), kilogram (kg), meter (m), Ampere (A)
Lux (lx)Illuminance1 lx = 1 lm/m2 = 1 cd * sr/m2Lumen (lm), meter (m), candela (cd), steradian (sr)
Becquerel (Bq)Radioactivity1 Bq = 1/s1/second (1/s)
Gray (Gy)Absorbed dose1 Gy = 1 J/kgJoule (J), kilogram (kg)
Sievert (Sv)Equivalent dose1 Sv = 1 J/kgJoule (J), kilogram (kg)
Weber per square meterMagnetic field strength1 Wb/m2 = 1 TWeber (Wb), meter (m)
Radian (rad)Plane angle1 rad = 1 m/mMeter (m)
Steradian (sr)Solid angle1 sr = 1 m2/m2Meter (m)
Celsius (°C)Temperature°C = (K – 273.15)Kelvin (K)

Prefixes and Multiples of SI Units

Since the magnitude of the SI units vary over a wide range , multiples and sub multiples are used to explain the units more precisely

Here is a table of the standard prefixes for SI units, including both multiples and submultiples

PrefixSymbolMultiplication Factor
100 (Base Unit)

Additional Practical Units of the SI system

Here are some practical units of the SI system

Parsec: The parsec (pc) is a unit of length used in astronomy to measure vast distances to stars and galaxies. It is approximately equal to 3.09 x 1016 meters.

Light Year: The light-year (ly) is another unit of astronomical distance. It represents the distance light travels in one year, and it is about 9.46 x 1015 meters.

Astronomical Unit: The astronomical unit (AU) is a unit of length used in astronomy to describe distances within our solar system. It is approximately the mean distance from the Earth to the Sun and is about 1.5 x 1011 meters.

Micron: The micron (μm) is a unit of length equal to one millionth of a meter. It is often used to measure small distances, such as the width of a human hair or microscopic objects.

Angstrom: The angstrom (Å) is a unit of length used to measure atomic and molecular scales. It is equal to 0.1 nanometers or 10-10 meters.

Fermi: The fermi (fm) is a unit of length used in nuclear and particle physics to measure atomic and subatomic scales. It is equal to 10-15 meters.

X-ray Unit: The X-ray unit (XU) is a unit used to measure the intensity of X-rays. It is a non-SI unit and is defined as the X-ray exposure that produces 2.58 x 10-4 coulombs per kilogram of air.

Atomic Mass Unit (amu): The atomic mass unit (amu) is a unit used to express the mass of atoms and molecules on a scale relative to the mass of a carbon-12 atom. 1 amu is approximately 1.66 x 10-27 kilograms.

These units are used in various scientific and practical contexts, especially in astronomy, physics, and other fields dealing with very large or very small distances and masses.

Methods of Measurement of Physical Quantities

The direct method and indirect method are two approaches used to measure physical quantities. Here’s a brief explanation of each method:

Direct Method: In the direct method of measurement, the physical quantity of interest is measured directly using appropriate instruments or techniques. The measurement is made by comparing the quantity being measured to a known standard or using a calibrated instrument. This method provides a straightforward and accurate measurement of the desired quantity. For example, measuring the length of an object using a ruler or measuring the temperature using a thermometer are examples of direct measurements.

Indirect Method: In the indirect method of measurement, the physical quantity of interest is derived or calculated by measuring other related quantities and using mathematical relationships or equations. This method involves measuring multiple quantities and utilizing mathematical models or formulas to determine the desired quantity indirectly. The indirect method is used when direct measurement of the quantity is not feasible or when it is more practical to measure other related quantities. For example, determining the velocity of an object by measuring its displacement and time, or calculating the area of an irregular shape by measuring its dimensions and applying appropriate formulas are examples of indirect measurements.

Both direct and indirect methods have their advantages and limitations. The choice of method depends on the nature of the physical quantity being measured, the available instruments or techniques, and the accuracy required for the measurement. In many cases, a combination of direct and indirect methods may be employed to obtain accurate and reliable measurements of complex physical quantities

Let us consider the measurement of the Length of an object . If the object is measureable by placing a scale , then its called the Direct Method of measurement . However this method is not feasible if we measure the height of a hill , for which we need to adapt indirect methods

Various methods of measurement of Length

Echo Method of Length Measurement :

The echo method of length measurement is a technique used to determine the distance to an object or surface by measuring the time it takes for a sound wave or pulse to travel to the object and back. This method is commonly employed in various applications, such as sonar systems, ultrasound imaging, and distance measurement devices.

Here’s how the echo method works:

A sound wave or pulse is generated and emitted towards the target object or surface.

The sound wave travels through the medium (such as air or water) until it reaches the object.

Upon reaching the object, the sound wave reflects or echoes back towards the source.

A receiver detects the returning sound wave or echo.

The time elapsed between the emission of the sound wave and the reception of the echo is measured.

The distance to the object is then calculated using the known speed of sound in the medium and the measured time.

Since the speed of sound in a given medium is relatively constant, knowing the time it takes for the sound wave to travel allows for the calculation of the distance based on the equation:

Distance = (Speed of Sound × Time) / 2

The division by 2 is necessary because the measured time accounts for the round trip of the sound wave.

The echo method can be used to measure distances accurately over a wide range, from short distances in medical ultrasound imaging to large distances in sonar systems for navigation or oceanographic research. It is a non-contact measurement method that is often preferred when direct physical contact with the object being measured is not possible or practical.

RADAR method of Length measurement :

The radar method of length measurement is a technique that utilizes radar (radio detection and ranging) to determine the distance to an object or surface. It is widely used in applications such as navigation, weather monitoring, and remote sensing.

Here’s how the radar method works:

A radar system emits short pulses of electromagnetic waves, typically radio waves or microwaves.

These waves travel at the speed of light and are directed towards the target object or surface.

Upon encountering the object, a portion of the electromagnetic waves is reflected back towards the radar system.

The radar system’s receiver detects the reflected waves, commonly referred to as radar echoes.

The time delay between the emission of the pulse and the reception of the echo is measured.

The distance to the object is then calculated using the known speed of light and the measured time delay.

The speed of light is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second (in a vacuum). By multiplying the speed of light by the measured time delay and dividing it by 2 (since the time accounts for the round trip), the radar system can accurately determine the distance to the target.

Radar systems can provide precise and reliable distance measurements over various ranges, from short distances to long distances. Additionally, radar can also provide additional information about the target, such as its velocity or size, by analyzing the Doppler shift or the strength of the radar echoes.

The radar method is widely used in applications such as air traffic control, maritime navigation, meteorology, and even in automotive systems like radar-based distance sensors for collision avoidance. It allows for non-contact measurement and provides valuable information in a wide range of scenarios.

SONAR method of Length measurement :

The sonar method of length measurement is a technique that uses sound waves to measure the distance between an object or surface and the source of the sound. Sonar (Sound Navigation And Ranging) is commonly used underwater to determine distances, map the ocean floor, and detect underwater objects. Here’s an overview of how the sonar method works:

Sound Wave Generation: A sonar system emits sound waves, usually in the form of short pulses, into the water or another medium. The sound waves can be produced by specialized sonar transducers

Sound Wave Propagation: The emitted sound waves travel through the medium, such as water, until they encounter an object or surface. The sound waves propagate through the medium at a known speed, which is typically slower than the speed of light.

Reflection or Echo: When the sound waves encounter an object or surface, a portion of the sound energy is reflected back towards the sonar system. This reflection is referred to as an echo.

Detection: The sonar system’s receiver detects the returning echoes. The receiver is designed to capture and analyze the reflected sound waves.

Time Measurement: The time delay between the emission of the sound wave and the reception of the echo is measured precisely. This time delay is often referred to as the “echo time” or “round-trip time.”

Distance Calculation: The distance between the sonar system and the object or surface is then calculated using the known speed of sound in the medium and the measured echo time. The distance is determined by multiplying half of the echo time by the speed of sound:

Distance = (Speed of Sound × Echo Time) / 2

Sonar is widely used in various applications, including underwater navigation, bathymetry (measurement of water depth), fish finding, underwater imaging, and locating underwater structures or objects. It allows for non-contact measurement over long distances underwater, providing valuable information about the environment beneath the surface

LASER method of Length measurement :

The laser method of length measurement utilizes laser technology to accurately measure distances with a high degree of precision. This method is widely employed in various fields, including engineering, surveying, manufacturing, and scientific research. Here’s an overview of how the laser method works:

Laser Emission: A laser emits a highly focused beam of light, which travels in a straight line.

Target Reflection: The laser beam is directed towards the target object or surface. When the laser beam encounters the target, a portion of the light is reflected back towards the laser source.

Detection: The reflected laser light is detected using a sensor or detector. The detector captures the returning light and converts it into an electrical signal.

Time Measurement: The time taken for the laser light to travel to the target and back is precisely measured using electronic timing equipment. This time measurement is usually accomplished using high-frequency electronic circuits or time-of-flight measurement techniques.

Speed of Light: The speed of light in air or a vacuum is a well-known constant (approximately 299,792,458 meters per second). By multiplying the speed of light by the measured time and dividing it by 2 (since the time accounts for the round trip), the distance to the target can be calculated.

Distance = (Speed of Light × Time) / 2

Data Processing: Multiple measurements are often taken to improve accuracy and account for any variations or errors. Advanced data processing techniques, including statistical analysis and error correction algorithms, may be employed to enhance the precision of the measurements.

The laser method of length measurement offers numerous advantages, including non-contact measurement, high accuracy, and rapid data acquisition. It is commonly used for tasks such as distance ranging, 3D scanning, alignment, surface profiling, and dimensional inspection. Additionally, the laser method can be applied in both short-range and long-range measurement scenarios, depending on the specific laser technology and setup used.

So we see that multiple indirect measurement methods are available for all practical purposes.

Take Quiz

1. Which of the following is a derived unit?
(a) Meter
(b) Kilogram
(c) Second
(d) Newton


d) Newton

2. What is the SI unit of power?

(a) Watt
(b) Joule
(c) Newton
(d) Pascal


a) Watt

3. Which of the following is a fundamental quantity?
a) Volume
b) Speed
c) Time
d) Density


c) Time

4. What is the dimensional formula for velocity?
a) [M0 L1 T0]
b) [M1 L0 T-1]
c) [M0 L1 T-1]
d) [M0 L0 T0]


c) [M0 L1 T-1]

5. What is the SI unit of force?
a) Pascal
b) Joule
c) Newton
d) Watt


c) Newton

6. The period (T) of a simple pendulum is given by T = 2π√(l/g), where ‘l’ is the length of the pendulum and ‘g’ is the acceleration due to gravity. What are the dimensions of ‘g’?
a) [L]
b) [LT-1]
c) [LT-2]
d) [L2T-2]


c) [LT-2]

7. Which of the following quantities is a scalar quantity?
a) Force
b) Velocity
c) Displacement
d) Mass


d) Mass

8. The equation representing the relationship between the volume (V), pressure (P), and temperature (T) of a gas is V = aPT. What are the dimensions of ‘a’?
a) [L3 T-1]
b) [L3T-2]
c) [LT2]
d) [L2T-2]


a) [L3T-1]

9. The dimensions of angular velocity are the same as the dimensions of:
a) Frequency
b) Acceleration
c) Velocity
d) Time


a) Frequency

10. Which prefix represents a factor of 109?
a) Giga
b) Tera
c) Nano
d) Pico


a) Giga